Hello everyone! Hope you’re keeping warm in this Siberian Express or Polar Vortex or the Ice Titan’s Quadrangle or whatever they’re calling “friggin’ cold” these days.
We’ve got an update here regarding Convention, so let’s get to it.
Firstly, the deadline to send your registration form without a late fee has now passed, so anyone that sends out their registration now will be charged a $10 late fee.
Next up is our hotel. Again, this is the hotel where we’ll be staying AND conducting business. There are still rooms available in the block at the group rate. If you have not yet done so, please call the Holiday Inn Georgetown at (202) 338-4600 during regular business hours and tell them you’re going to the Mu Beta Psi Convention.
The reservation cut-off date is Friday, February 27th, so please don’t wait around.
If you have any questions, please contact AA Gathering Committee Chair Erica St. Lawrence at (704) 798-1700 or Tau Chapter President Gaston Reboredo at (954) 292-1706.
Thanks, and see you all very soon!