Music is what binds together every Brother of Mu Beta Psi. In 2010, Brothers Nick Rosencrans and Chris Ciarlariello put together a 2 CD set of music featuring music that involved Brothers. The songs came from college performing ensembles in which a Brother participated, recital recordings by Brothers, Chapter performances, even songs recorded by Brothers specifically for the CD. After the success of the first album, Brother Ciarlariello wanted to bring back that project. The resulting 2015 album features impressive musical works involving a number of Brothers.
In order to access this fantastic showcase of our Brothers’ talent, we humbly ask for a modest donation. As noted below, you can choose from anywhere between $10 and $50. Upon your generous donation, you will be linked to a receipt page. On this page, you will see a link that will allow you to download the 23album.
Donations can also be made directly to AA Treasurer Ryan Hauck. If you choose this method, please email the Alumni Store. Please note that the cost of goods and services for this album is $10. Any tax deduction will come into effect after the first $10 donated (i.e., if you donate $20, your tax deductible portion is $10).
As always, thank you very much for your support of the Mu Beta Psi Alumni Association!