Earlier this month, Chrissy Fleming received an intriguing email from a complete stranger. Larry Littlejohn, of South Carolina, had written to ask if she could help track down the owner of an N.C. State class ring that he had found. He had already contacted the N.C. State Alumni department with no luck and was writing to her because the ring had the letters of Mu Beta Psi, and he was hoping that we might have records of this person, whose initials, “TWA” were inscribed on the inside.
After a call out to our alumni, Ryan Hauck tracked down Thomas W. Avery, a Brother who pledged Alpha in Spring of 1975 on LinkedIn. Sure enough, after putting the two men in touch, we learned that not only had Mr. Littlejohn found Brother Avery’s class ring, but had found his wedding ring along with it! Brother Avery has been reunited with his lost rings, and we are all grateful to Larry Littlejohn for going so far out of his way to track down our Brother.