Midyear 2014 – Social Activities Schedule
Hey there everyone! Time is really ticking down until Midyear 2014, and we now have an official schedule of the social events that will take… Read More »Midyear 2014 – Social Activities Schedule
Hey there everyone! Time is really ticking down until Midyear 2014, and we now have an official schedule of the social events that will take… Read More »Midyear 2014 – Social Activities Schedule
Midyear 2014 – The City of Brotherly Love Brothers, It’s that time again! The Alumni Association is very pleased to announce that our… Read More »Midyear 2014 – Philadelphia, PA
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Beth Bankowski enjoying the Minneapolis skyline
The first person to arrive Thursday night at the condos in Killington, VT for the Alumni Association’s MidYear meeting was Secretary Tara Waybrant (Zeta). Tara had the longest trip of everyone, opting to take the train. She got in around 10pm, and went straight to bed.
Alex Dimitrijeski (Zeta), arrived next, bringing with him a carload of Brothers, Scott Bennett (Alpha), Kate Capehart (Mu), and Brittany Ondraka (Zeta). They had all decided to fly into Boston and carpool from there. Alex was the last to arrive in Boston, his flight delayed from a 9:30pm arrival to a midnight arrival. The other three spent most of that day exploring the town, waiting for him to arrive. They rolled into Killington at about four in the morning, and after accidentally entering the wrong condo, they quickly found Tara, found the right condo, and went to bed.
The next morning, after getting up early, Tara and Alex decided to let the rest of the gang sleep in, while they went to the grocery store to buy some bacon, eggs, orange juice, and pancakes. They thought it might be nice for the others to wake up to the smell of bacon.